Honest Mommy Talk

3 Major Keys When Trying to Conceive

3 Major Keys When Trying to Conceive

I always knew I wanted to have children. The plan was to get pregnant while on my honeymoon. I had finally ditched my birth control, and my period app showed that was my week to ovulate, so the timing was perfect… or so I thought. The app had been pretty accurate when determining my cycle, so I thought this would be no different. Weeks went by, and before I knew it, Aunt Flo showed up. I remember texting my friends like, “what is she doing here?” I was determined to start a family, so I used the next month to research tips on conceiving. And guess what? It worked!

So, without further ado, here are my three major keys when trying to conceive:

  1. Use a digital ovulation test: Do not rely on your period app! A digital ovulation test identifies your most fertile days. With this test, you will know if it’s a low fertile day, high fertile day, or peak fertile day. Taking the test daily measures your estrogen and luteinizing hormones. You’re encouraged to have sex on the high and peak fertile days, but typically you will ovulate on the peak day. Notice I said, “peak day,” and that’s because it only occurs once. When the test identifies your peak day, the only thing you need to focus on is baby-making. You can stop testing until your next cycle.
  2. Have sex at the right time: Timing is everything! You should always test your first urine of the day. If your test reads a peak day, you have 12-24 hours before you ovulate. This is when your egg is released to greet sperm (which you want) or shed the lining of your uterus (Aunt Flo). To increase your chances of conceiving, have sex on your high fertile days and your peak fertile day. Remember, sperm can survive for up to five days.
  3. Journal the experience: Whether it’s a physical journal or notes within your phone, I encourage you to write out everything. Using a physical calendar helps because you can track the days of your cycle + the dates (ex., Day 1 of my cycle occurred on October 15th.) The first day of your period is always day 1. Write out as many details as possible. Were you bloating, cramping, or constipated, and were your boobs sore? If those symptoms sound familiar, it’s because they are common. Many people experience these before and during their menstrual cycle, but those symptoms are also signs of pregnancy, which is why it’s important to track them, so you don’t write them off as just your period. You also want to track your discharge. If it looks like egg whites, it’s baby-making time! This is the best environment for sperm to swim toward the egg. While journaling, pay close attention and become in tune with your body. Even the slightest differences could mean a big change within. During my experience, I was able to feel my egg being released. It’s very similar to having period cramps. And I still feel it to this day. You should ovulate once a month with a normal cycle, releasing an egg from your left or right ovary.

Although I was successful after one month, it may be helpful to follow these tips for two to three cycles. This will allow you to learn your body and track your changes. It’s completely normal to ovulate on a different day every month, and every woman is different, even those in sync. If you are experiencing fertility issues, please seek medical attention for a personal, detailed treatment plan. If you have any questions, feel free to email info@waddlesdiapers.com and follow us @WaddlesDiapers for more mommy and baby topics.

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